Saturday, 7 November 2015

My experience as a sleepwalker.

As I don't feel like writing the story I'm developing in the blog, I'm going to tell my personal experience as a sleepwalker.

Being a sleepwalker is not easy. A lot of things, stupid things, are said about somnambulists. I've heard lots of things such as that we walk with our eyes being completely white or that we walk like zombies. I've also seen lots of films were these examples I've just mentioned are carried out. The most expanded thought about us is that you can't wake us up if we are sleep-walking because it could be dangerous. Even in WordReference if you look up for "sleepwalker" the sentence given is that it is dangerous to wake a sleepwalker up. Well, let me tell you that this is completely wrong. It is true that it isn't recommended because we can get angry and, maybe, violent but, dangerous? No, it is not. I mean, who wouldn't get angry if he or she was waken up in the middle of the night?

Let me tell you the truth. I've been waken up a couple of times. I'm still alive. I have not hit anyone. I have not got angry with anyone. I don't really believe in that recommendation but if you don't want to risk yourself, just guide the person to his bed or just simply tell them to go to their bed. Sleepwalkers always go back to their bed and if they can't, they just wake up like it has happened to me lots of times. We don't walk like zombies or anything, we are just normal people walking. In fact, probably you won't realise that person is asleep until you talk to him. Sleepwalkers don't answer coherent things because they don't know what you are asking, they just say what they are thinking about.

Overall, sleepwalkers are not normally dangerous and they shouldn't be feared as they are.

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